lunes, 30 de diciembre de 2013

Funny hat people!

Oh man these hats
All over the place

[X Nebula-Msubs] Galactic Gale Baxinger - Episode 06 - The Battle of Shell Gate

Thanks to starseeker for everything! Enjoy the background plotdump. Felices Fiestas!

lunes, 23 de diciembre de 2013

Oh, right

You're supposed to actually upload stuff in time. Anyway!

[X Nebula-Msubs] Galactic Gale Baxinger - Episodes 04-05

Thanks to starseeker for everything! Sorry about those lines. More space politics this time!

lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

There are things bollars can't buy.

For everything else, there is J9-II.

[X-Nebula-Msubs] Galactic Gale Baxinger - Episode 03 - Threat From Outer Space 

Thanks to starseeker for everything! PLOT begins to happen now, along with historical character drops! Yes, Saito is meant to be THAT Saito.

lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2013

Jacky is going to bash your head in

He totally will, you know.

[X Nebula-Msubs] Galactic Gale Baxinger - Episode 02 - Under The Flag Of The Gale

Thanks to starseeker for everything! See you later.